Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brand New Heavies in Bangkok

After a couple months of a live music dry spell, I'm finally going to my first show, if you will, in Bangkok. I've already seen Grand Master Flash, but that's a little different considering his genre of music.

And I'm going thanks to the advertisements on the BTS, the sky train through Bangkok. August 11th!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Random Music Moment

Sufjan Stevens and David Crowder
My boyfriend and I were sharing his iPhone listening to music on the way home from Koh Samet. A song by Sufjan Stevens came on, and I was curious to see the song title because it was really compelling. Did I have it on my computer or was this my first time hearing it? I would have asked to see it then, but he was in possession of the iPhone and was completely conked out- I didn't want to wake him. When I came home I entered "Sufjan Stevens" in my iTunes search bar to find the two Sufjan albums I have (I have more on vinyl than on mp3) and strangely a David Crowder song- "O God Where Are You Now (In Pickerel Lake? Pigeon? Marquette? Mackinaw?)." This was very confusing to me. I re-entered it. Still, it was there. What's this all about, I thought. Google- here I come! Findings? Sufjan Stevens wrote this song for Crowder's album A Collision or (3+4=7).